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Holistic and Wellness Fair

This will be the first of monthly Holistic Fairs at the Red Barn in Durham.

Lots of different vendors to visit as well as classes and demonstration to attend

  • Reiki, Psychic Readers, Mediums, Crystals, Essential Oils, Bio-Mat Treatments,

    Chair Massage, Neurofeedback, Magnified Crystal Layouts, Health Products,

    Weight Loss Products, Hypnotherapy, Children's Nature Play Station, Clothing & Jewelry

Classes and Demonstrations Schedule

10:00 Celebrate Everything Saint Hildegard ($10)

11:30 Qi Gong Demonstration

12:30 Cooking With Essential Oils

1:00 Salt Cave Benefits

1:00 Celebrate Everything Saint Hildegard ($10)

1:30 Mindful Photography

2:00 Hypnosis - Is It For Me?

2:30 Envision and Achieve Your Life's Purpose

3:00 Zero Waste - Decrease Your Carbon Footprint