A gong journey is where participants work on Conscious Listening while assimilating in a relaxing position so that they can allow the healing sound vibrations of the gong to pass over them bringing a sense of overall peace and ease.
Physiological benefits of sound therapy are
-reduce stress
-releases healthy hormones and
-strengthen willpower
-boost creativity
Invest in yourself and join us for an experience you'll never forget.
Ed Cleveland is a Reiki and Sound Teacher, combining indigenous sound instruments. Combining with Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuromusicology, and Psychophysiology. Acoustic Designer of Soundscapes using the high, low, ascending, descending pitch, intervals, and inversion, thick, and thin in harmony with crescendo, or diminuendo’s to open the imagination and intellect.
Keep in mind that you will be on your back or in a chair for close to an hour. Bring blankets, pillows, anything else you might need to make it as comfortable an experience as possible.
Register via email: EdReiki3@yahoo.com