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Samhain Full Moon Ceremony

"Samhain Full Moon Ceremony"

Halloween / Samhain
7pm - 9pm

Hosted by Syncretick Ockult (@syn_ockult) and The Red Barn in Durham (@theredbarnindurham)

352 Main Street
Durham, CT 06422

RSVP text 860-559-6151

Suggested Donation $15


You have been cordially invited to join us in the celebration of the Blue Full Moon in Taurus and the Wheel of the Year Sabbat Samhain, on All Hallow's Eve Night.

Around the roaring fire pit (weather permitting) we will come together and celebrate what was, what is, and what will be.

An "Offering Table" will be consecrated and open to honor our Ancestors, Patrons, Deities, Mentors, and loved ones. So bring Food and Drink, or Gifts of Nature (ie. Flowers. Stones, Incense, etc.) if you wish to do so, and we will offer them back to nature post ceremony.

For any Practitioner of any School of Thought, join us during the thinning of the Veil and enjoy this Halloween Celebration.