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Tong Ren Healing class-Long distance energy healing for the world

  • The Red Barn in Durham 352 Main Street Durham, CT, 06422 United States (map)

Tong Ren Therapy is based on the power of our mind creating energy for healing. The source of this energy is from the collective unconscious, which is connected to the super conscious. When we practice Tong Ren, the focusing of our mind comes from our subconscious and unconscious - which means, “Just do it”. This use of the mind with the hammer technique facilitates the breaking down of blockages, which can then let energy pass within the body freely. With Tong Ren healing, we do not need to think or focus on the breaking down of the blockages, because the thought has already been stored as memory in our subconscious mind. Using the hammer technique, we hit points on the doll for about 10 to 15 minutes. During the Tong ren class people will sit and receive energy. 3 things will be tapped on for each person. Group energy healing will be received and we will send distance healing also. Class will be assisted by the use of a crystal grid, sound healing, and chanting.

Erik Harris is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Tong Ren Healing class-Long distance energy healing for the world
Time: Jul 13, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Jul 13, 2020 07:00 PM
Jul 20, 2020 07:00 PM
Jul 27, 2020 07:00 PM
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