Questioning Your Beliefs is the Key to Freedom

What you believe will be true for you.

What shows up in your life is a result of your beliefs.

And beliefs are very powerful. Ever hear of the Placebo Effect?

When something isn't working in your life, are you willing to step back and take a look at what belief may be causing things to go awry?


We create everything in our lives, whether we'd like to admit that or not. But keep in mind that nothing is "good" or "bad", those are just labels we put on our experiences so they make logical sense to us. Everything just “is”.


We have experiences, which are neutral in essence, and because we are humans and emotionally-driven creatures, we tend to have emotional responses to these situations we find ourselves in. We then determine if they feel uplifting and positive (aka “good”) or draining and low (aka “bad”). Then we create a filtered memory attached to the emotion and store it away in our subconscious. 

This is what causes us to feel pain, discomfort, anger, grief, embarrassment, shame, etc  when we remember going through certain situations in life. We are literally reliving the experience when we hook into the intense emotional reaction it produces if we haven’t given ourselves the proper healing to neutralize it. 


The energy of the emotion actually stays in the cells of the body and is an autopilot response from the pathway it has created over time. It can be activated or triggered at any time until it is healed. Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD all talk of this in their respective books The Power of Now, The Biology of Belief, and The Body Keeps Score.


Feeding into the emotional memory keeps energizing the pattern, strengthening it every time you remember it or allow it to reside in the forefront of your mind. If you surround yourself with the energy of the pain, you are creating a powerful belief about you and your life expectations. As Dr. Bruce Lipton explains, “a belief is just a thought you continue to think”.


For example, if you were brushed aside any time you spoke up or voiced your needs growing up, you might have created a belief about yourself that said “I’m not worthy of being heard”. Perhaps you then became “quiet as a mouse” in school or developed a fear of speaking in front of a crowd.


You believe that because this was your previous life experience that all similar experiences in the future will be the same. You were conditioned to believe this about yourself because as people brushed you aside, they confirmed this belief to be true. It’s a perpetual cycle.

Another potential hard pill to swallow: everything happens for us so that we may learn and grow. All of our experiences are divinely designed to bless us with a message in the mess. What might be hiding between the lines that you weren’t aware of before now?


What do you believe about who you can be, what you can do or have, and what's possible for you? 


Where did these beliefs come from? Are they truly yours or were you conditioned to believe them? Are they even true?! 


And, better yet, what are your beliefs about your ability to achieve the things you want to do or be in your life?


Question your beliefs when they come up and challenge you.


Regardless, you deserve to have everything you want in life. On a scale from 1-10, how much do you TRULY believe that? Why?


I'd like to offer you the reminder that you are infinitely powerful, more powerful than you even know, and that by being here you light up a part of this planet that otherwise would be dark.


There is ONLY ONE YOU in this world, and that's mind-blowing. What are your beliefs on that?


This weekend, I challenge you to question your beliefs, especially the ones that tell you things like "this is how it is" or "I can never do/be/have that". Do you really believe that or is a belief you created as a response or that someone else projected onto you?


See if you can find when you created those beliefs, then rip them out by the roots and replace them with something more beneficial (that you 100% BELIEVE otherwise the old belief will creep right back in, but that’s another story for another day. But, if you’re curious, check out these articles I wrote and


Awareness is the key here. If “ripping it out at the roots” sounds like a lot, you’re not wrong! It’s deep work and it’s beneficial to have someone guiding you, or at least there to support you, but all you need is the light of your awareness to start healing on your own.


Give yourself grace, allow yourself to fully feel what you need to feel, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.


And always remember that you are loved and supported on your journey 💙