How to Use Scorpio New Moon Energy

The new moon in Scorpio is here and it’s bringing a powerhouse of energy.

This lunar cycle is all about transformation. What needs to change in your life? Does anything need to end so something new can begin? What’s no longer serving you that you can let go of?

Sometimes we have to let go of something we consider “good” so that we can create space to receive something even better than we could ever imagine.

Often we are holding on to said “good” thing out of a false benefit it gives us, such as a sense of safety (even if we know it’s not helpful to our growth), security, love, comfort, and the like.

Is there anything you may be holding on to that you know is holding you back but you’re afraid of what would happen if you let it go? Holding on to something because you’re afraid of stepping forward without it is a survival technique. Who would you be if you didn’t have your drama, illness, anxiety, problems, job, relationship, etc? Identification with these things helps give us a sense of self, an identity that we put all our energy towards keeping the same, day after day, year after year.

But not anymore!

This is a potent time of growth and change (and, um, that’s what we’re ultimately here to do). This new moon is asking us to turn inwards and face our shadows head on. Time to get brutally honest with yourself about what you’re holding on to because you fear the unknown and how life would be without it.

What’s meant for you will find its way to you regardless of how much you resist, so why not just surrender to what is? This cycle is reminding us of this and that none of our work is done in vain. Growth and expansion come when we can recognize the parts of ourselves that need attention, healing, and acknowledgment. 

Through this work we create space for our dreams and desires to come to fruition. Nothing can come to you if you have a pile of trash blocking the way. What garbage are you still carrying around with you that’s preventing you from really going for it and manifesting your best life and self?

The new moon is a time of growth and new beginnings. What are you looking to create for yourself in the last two months of the year?

Ask yourself (or journal) the following questions and explore what you find. This will help you focus on what you need to work on as you step into your next chapter.

  • Where am I focusing on what I don’t want rather than what I do want?

  • What resistance is coming up when I think about achieving my dreams?

  • Where do I need to forgive myself for past “mistakes” or any shame or guilt I may still be carrying around?

  • Do I need to forgive someone else and am I willing to offer myself that peace of mind? (Remember, forgiveness is for YOU not them. It’s not condoning bad behavior, it’s letting go of holding onto the anger, resentment, bitterness, etc., because you holding on only hurts you)

  • How am I holding myself back from taking actions I know I need to take?

  • What chapters can be closed?

  • What false benefits do I get from holding on and/or resisting change?

  • Who would I be if I gave myself permission to be all that I wanted to be, and how would that change my life?

  • What am I willing to give up or take action on today to get me one step closer to my goals?

Take some time to think about what you truly want in your life and let the universe know you’re serious. This cycle brings with it fast manifestation, so when you are super clear about what you want and create the space for it to arrive, you will start to see it happen like magic before your eyes.

Be kind to yourself as you do this work and offer yourself extra love and self care. Shadow work is not easy, and every time you are willing to sit down and look within, you are not only helping yourself, you are also helping to heal the entire conscious collective by dissolving these energetic patterns. You are way more powerful than you think!

And should you need help or guidance along the way, we’re here for you! Reach out anytime at

Did you know the Barn also has New Moon Gatherings each month to celebrate, cleanse, set intentions, heal, and more? Check out December’s event here.

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy & Sound Healer, Spiritual Alignment Coach, and Wordsmith. If you like this article, you can read more at and