The Power of a Decision

Decisions are very powerful. They act like a magnetic whirlwind aligning you with the frequency of what you want. Ever been in the presence of someone who makes big decisions with conviction? Then you know what I'm talking about. You can feel the energy.

When you decide, 100% all in no-matter-what, you start alerting the universe that you're serious about making something happen for yourself. Deciding to change - your hair, job, environment, relationship, whatever- opens up the space for everything you need to come to you so you can make it a reality.

Think about what you really want.

If you can feel deep in your bones the joy of having it, then you are resonating on the frequency of attraction, so start looking for proof that you can have it, and do have it, right now in this moment.

If you feel any sort of resistance or your inner critic starts shouting "oh hell no", then sit with that feeling and explore it a little. There's a message in there for you offering you a chance to heal or gain some new awareness about how to move forward.

Walking through your day, intentionally imagining your desired outcome already having happened. This keeps you on a high vibe as you continue making choices that are aligned with what you want. It feels effortless to choose what needs to be done, and you'll notice you'll start showing up easily as this new, higher version of you.

Being in the energy of a 100% all in decision starts the process of the Universe bringing you everything you need to make it happen. People will start showing up out of nowhere ready to help you. Opportunities you never imagined possible will open themselves up. Resources and support will find you. You become a magnet for all you need and desire.

Keep in mind though, you already have everything you need to succeed within you. It’s when you get activated by the power of a decision to make it happen that you realize this is the case, and your life presents you with love notes and miracles from the universe.

Making a decision is the first step to doing, being, and having anything in life, so what is it you want? Decide you’re going to do/be/have it, then decide to actually do/be/have it. Then decide to take one step forward every day.

No one is going to make that decision for you.

What can you decide to upgrade for yourself in these last weeks of 2021? Are you willing to commit to that decision and do whatever it takes to make it a reality?

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy & Sound Healer, Spiritual Alignment Coach, and Wordsmith. If you like this article, you can read more at