Trigger Trick For Instant Peace

Sometimes the holidays aren’t so happy. And well, there’s also this other thing called Life.

If you’re someone who gets triggered by the tinsel or might just be having a hard time, here’s a trick for instant peace. It’s been around forever, and it’s very simple. It takes a little courage and willingness, but it’s well worth any discomfort you may experience as you will feel the difference immediately.

Ok ready?

When you get emotionally charged by someone or something, go right into your physical body and feel it. Notice where it is and what the sensations are.

It’s in my right arm, around my elbow. It’s a little tight, and slightly burning.

Note the intensity, and rate it on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.

Then keep your attention on whatever’s happening and notice what you notice. What’s different?

Keep your mind out of any stories and stay present in the body. What’s happening?

Stay with the sensations and if they move, follow them. Keep checking in with yourself.

Don’t try to change anything, chase it away, figure out what it is or why it’s there. Just notice what you notice. You’re not trying to make anything happen. 

You can do this any time you get triggered. It’s great to do in traffic, waiting in line, in meditation, or even in group settings. It’s a very simple, yet powerful process to assist you in self-healing right on the spot. 

If you give it a try, let us know in the comments what you experienced. We love to celebrate you and your wins!

And if you’d like a guided audio version, head to to download Releasing Stuck Energy and two more free meditations.

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy Alignment Specialist & Wordsmith. Find more at and