Things That Make You Go Eeew.

Originally published on, January 6, 2022

We all do it. 

Cringe when we think about something from the past that really makes us go eeew. Maybe we’re still super embarrassed about a mishap a decade ago, angry because we remained silent, still holding a grudge from that last breakup, or hating ourselves because of how we’ve shown up in the past.

It’s much easier to discover what you like after being in an experience that clearly shows you what you don’t. Discernment assists us in growing and expanding. Own it.

Whatever you’ve encountered in your life is there to help you. Choosing to ignore or push away the painful stuff only keeps it alive within you. Your body stores everything, which is why when you bring up a pain from the past it’s like you relive it all over again. Identifying with the pain and saying things like I’m so mad that they did that to me or I’ll never get over this keeps you in the loop-cycle of having to feel that pain over and over again.

We become conditioned to believe that history repeats itself, and if we step out of bounds and attempt something new, it will just end up the way it did in the past, proving us right. This is just a loop-cycle of how limiting beliefs are self-fulfilling prophecies. Focusing on the pain from the past only brings more pain into your present and future.

Integrating the difficult experiences from the past leads to a newfound sense of peace and calm, freeing up all the energy that was being used to keep the memory and pain alive. Stopping identification with the pain leads you to become neutral emotionally, and when bringing up the memory no longer produces an intense emotional charge, healing has occurred.

Regardless of how you choose to heal from your past pain, allowing yourself to feel all the feels is what will ultimately set you free. Giving yourself permission and a safe space to process where in your body the energy and memory live sets a powerful release in motion that only requires your full presence and attention.

Things can take time, and inner shadow work is not always a pleasant experience, but it’s well worth it in the end. Temporary discomfort for permanent peace? Sign me up! What about you?

Read the full version of this article here

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy Alignment Specialist, Sound Healer, & Wordsmith. Find more at and