The Mystical Power of Dreams

Written by Stephanie Rosally-Kaplan

When we sleep, we open up to a very powerful energy that allows us to receive information, messages, and guidance from the Spirit realm via dreaming.

2020 was the year that changed the world. We were forced to go into lockdown, with businesses, schools, governments, etc., closing their doors to get control of this very deadly virus. My youngest son’s college went online and he returned home, like so many other college students had to do. 


A few weeks after being back home, my son had a dream communicating that someone in his father's household was coming down with this virus and was being hospitalized.

Shortly after he dreamt that, his father's wife called up and said that his father had been hospitalized and was on a ventilator. They didn't know if his father was going to make it. Lots of things had been going downward with his father's health. 

This broke my son’s heart into many little pieces. Around the fifth week of his father being on a ventilator, my son had another dream. He saw his father being healed. He told me that he had no worries about his father anymore. He was shown his father was going to be OK in this dream. 

Three weeks later his father went to a rehab center, and returned to work a few months after. If you were to look at his father today, he's a walking miracle. All this was shown to my son while he was dreaming, before this happened in the physical world. 

Dreams can show you the future. There are countless stories of people seeing numbers for the Lotto in their dreams, playing those numbers, and winning.  Dreams give you the opportunity to gain wisdom and to share it. Even Albert Einstein stated that his famous theory of relativity was shown to him in a dream.  

I believe while you are dreaming there can be a portal where you can astral travel. There you can travel and visit with your dream spiritual guides and your ancestors. Some people travel to places while they are dreaming. This is also where dream sharing can occur too. My husband and I at times have had the same dream. 

If you care to travel in your sleep, it’s important to protect yourself. I recommend you put up a dream energetic shield. That shield can be created by having Black Tourmaline in each corner of your room, seeing yourself in a golden light of protection, and saying a prayer of your choice. 

Everyone dreams when they sleep. Some of us don’t remember our dreams. Here’s a few tips to help you recall:

1. Drugs and alcohol will not help you dream. 

2. Have a journal, a pen, book lite near your bed. Write or draw in your journal as soon as you wake up.  

3. Look to see if your views are blocking you from dreaming.  For example, believing dreams are not important. 

4. Create a positive affirmation about remembering dreams. It could be something like “My dreams are easy to recall, and I enjoy gaining the unforgettable knowledge from my dreams.” 

5. Some essential oils can help you. I create for my clients a dream blend with sandalwood, mugwort, and lavender essential oils in a base oil. I ask them to smell it before they sleep.

6. On a full moon place filter water in a dark glass jar. Cover it & let it sit overnight. The water will be charged with the rays of the moon. The next night hold the glass and say a positive affirmation. Drink ½ of it and in the morning drink the rest. If you care not to drink the water say I remember my dreams as you put a few drops on your third eye, heart and base of your skull right before you go to sleep and when you wake up.

7. Try your best to have the energy in your bedroom to be clear. Cutler would not create great flowing energy. 

8. Dream incubations, also known as target dreaming, is when before you go to bed you ask your soul for advice. For example “Dream, help me understand …..” Say this a few times before you sleep. In the morning, write and draw what you experienced. I use this technique to gain insight to help my family, clients, and myself. The perceptiveness I gain is remarkable. You can do this too. 

9. Join a dream circle to help uncover your hidden message in your dreams.

Stephanie Rosally-Kaplan Reiki Master/Teacher, Sound Healer, Shamanic practitioner, certified  MoonologyTM, Certified Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Reader ,UWT, gemstone, Spiritual Life Coach, Dream Circles, Mediumship circles,  Workshop and Classes

352 Main Street, Durham, CT 

(914) 330-1474