Can’t Never Did Anything

Written by Katie Cavenagh

Change around the narrative.

Every word you speak is a powerful intention you are sending out to the universe. That’s why words matter

Whether you have verbal diarrhea or are your own worst critic, the things that come flying out of your mouth are of particular importance.

Creating your reality is more than just visualizing how you want things to look, it also requires you to speak and think in a way that is congruent with what you want. When your words and thoughts are out of alignment, it’s a difficult task for the universe to figure out what you want, which is why you get wishy-washy results or nothing at all.

Instead of giving up or sinking into a victim mentality, take a look at what it is you’re really asking for. Where you place your focus is what you will call in, so what is it that you’re manifesting?

Saying things like “I don’t want to get sick” is actually calling in sickness, because that’s what you’re really focused on. The universe doesn’t care if you say you don’t want it, it just sees that your attention is on the sickness. 

The universe doesn’t actually work in negatives, so saying you don’t want something really means you do. This is why it’s so important to be aware of what you’re speaking and thinking, as every word and thought carries a vibrational frequency that is matched back by the universe.

This is how manifestation works. That frequency you’re riding on is aligning with the version of you that exists in a timeline where all that stuff is happening for you. Stay with me here — everything already exists in the invisible and “manifestation” is simply calling it into a physical existence through observation. 

We “observe” our reality using words and thoughts (yes, we really are that powerful), and we have to believe it to see it, not the other way around as we have been conditioned to live. Those words and thoughts resonate on a vibrational level (emotions), further creating and solidifying what we experience in the physical plane.

So, when you say you “can’t” do, be, or have something, the universe is like yup, got it. Bringing you more experiences that prove to you it ain’t happening, and that can leave you feeling down, disempowered, unmotivated, and maybe even a bit frustrated. 


Hooking into the feelings of “can’t” often leads you further down the shame spiral, sometimes to the point of giving up and walking away from your dreams completely because it’s too hard, not happening, it’s overwhelming, you don’t think you’re good enough, smart enough, or deserving.

However, changing the narrative to reflect a more constructive mindset, also changes the emotional integrity of the story. That right there is the key to attracting the resources, support, opportunities, inspiration, and everything else you need to create what you want.

Matching the emotional resonation to what you think and say anchors in alignment, and sends out a clear, direct message to the universe. As soon as fear, doubt, or worry set in, that becomes the new message for the universe to bring you what you’re asking for.

Remaining focused on the desired outcome (holding onto the essence rather than specifics) and speaking towards what you want, starts the motion of manifesting. It changes every time you change your frequency (aka change your mind), so are you aware of when this might be happening?

Really pay attention to what you’re thinking and saying, especially about your ability to do things. Are you saying (or thinking or feeling) things that limit you? Where are you believing you can’t do, be, or have what you want? What are the dominant thoughts or words that show up on a regular basis for you, and are they constructive or destructive?

Awareness is the first step to freedom, and when you are aware of your words, thoughts, and feelings, you become a powerful creator and more in control of what your life experience brings you. 

Take some time and get focused on what you want. Then make sure everything lines up in a way that says hell yes I’m all in, and watch what shows up for you. Happy manifesting!

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy Alignment Specialist & Wordsmith. Find more at and