3 Tips to Gain Clarity on What You Want

Living life is much like being a writer. YOu stare at a blank page (aka a new day) and ponder what to put on it. You want it to be exciting and elicit good feelings, and maybe even at the end have it be worth sharing with someone because of a profound experience. 

Writing the story of your life requires a certain level of focus, honesty, and control. Now, we’re not talking about forceful control and manipulation how we typically think about it, I‘m referring to the ability we have to gain the upper hand over our emotions and responses, while being able to manipulate our energy to be aligned with what we want.

That’s actually true “power” as Dr. David Hawkins explains in his book Power vs Force.

In order to create the life you dream of, you need to have a clear vision of what you want, get brutally honest with yourself about where you are and what has to be done to get where you want to go, and be willing to take the uncomfortable steps to get there.

Manifesting the things you want takes some effort, no doubt, but it can be a fun process, adventurous, and enjoyable. It’s all about the journey after all.

There are many different ways you can get clear and focused on what you want, and many people don’t even know where to start. The point is to start regardless of if you think you’re ready — if you wait until you feel ready, you’ll be waiting forever. 

Here are 3 tips on how to clarify what you want to show up in your life:

  1. Sit down and make a list of all the things you like to do.

    No matter how crazy your ideas are, write them down without judgment (it’s your life, remember?). Try to write for a full 10 minutes.

    Then look back over your list and circle anything that jumps out at you that seems fun, interesting, or sparks something within you. From that list, narrow it down to three things, then go do one of them.

    This is one of the best ways to gain insight to what you want in life. You will know right away when you pick something and start doing it if it makes you feel good or not. When you get that “good” feeling, like you could do this all day, that’s a sign you’re on the right track. 

    Keep following that feeling and more opportunities will present themselves that will lead you down a path that feels aligned and focused.

    2. Ask!

    If you don’t ask for what you want, you won’t get it, simple as that. Asking for clarity is just as valid as asking for the material or emotional things we want in life, but we often forget to do this.

    You can ask your higher self or your guides, ancestros, or helpers for insight; or you can consult a reader, medium, or psychic. You can do readings for yourself, automatic writing, or dream interpretation as well to gain guidance and clarity on what might be working for you, and what might be holding you back.

    Signs are literally everywhere and all we need to do is be open to seeing them. We often discount the guidance we receive and brush it off like it’s no big thing…but what would happen if we really started paying attention?

    Some of my favorite ways to ask is by formulating open-ended questions like what would it take to receive xyz? or who would I be if I … ? Questions like these leave a lot of room for the Universe to answer you in a way you can understand.

    3. Trust your gut.

    Believe it or not, we all have the ability to tap into higher consciousness when we sit down and shut up for a few minutes. Letting the mind be calm and clear offers a way in where we can receive insights and messages about what to do next.

    Meditation helps strengthen the connection to our intuition, and when we trust the guidance we receive we build that faith muscle of ours, literally creating space for miracles to occur in our lives.

    This is the part where many people struggle, as we’ve been taught to discount our inner voice and follow what we “think” we should do, versus what really lights us up and brings us bliss.

    Trusting your feelings (what feels “good, right, and light” as opposed to anything that makes us feel uncomfortable in a bad way, dims our light, or causes us to say hmmm, something doesn’t feel right about this) will always lead us where we need to be. These feelings are big hints from the Universe on which way to go.

Manifesting the life you desire is absolutely possible — you just have to know, very clearly, what you want. If you don’t have at least an idea of where you’re going, how can you get there? It’s like going on a road trip without a plan or a map and driving blindly in circles until you run out of gas.

Nothing will drop from the sky and land in your lap — you actually have to take action to get the momentum going to receive more guidance, clarity, and inspiration. Pay attention to the way you feel when you do certain things because the more joy you get from certain tasks, and the more you can feel into that joy, the more joyful opportunities you will receive.

And if all else fails, figure out what you absolutely don’t want, and you will begin to uncover what you do want.

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy Alignment Specialist & Wordsmith. Find more at FeelYourLight.com/blog and https://katiecavenagh.medium.com/