Happy Galactic New Year

Big changes and even bigger energies have been floating around lately, have you been feeling it?

We recently entered a new Galactic year on July 26th, which happens about every 230 million years. The Sun makes a full rotation around the center of the Milky Way and with this brings new frequencies to Earth. 

Not to mention that this time around coincides with the opening of the Lion’s Gate Portal (7.26) and a powerful New Moon in Leo a few days later (7.28). 

So you may be feeling all out of sorts right now. Timelines are being shifted, knowledge and wisdom is becoming readily available, along with clarity, focus, and insight on a deeper soul level. Some people might literally feel they’ve been “reset” as these new frequencies integrate.

This New Moon is a doozy as well, bringing the fiery passion of Leo to remind us of our highest potential and deepest dreams and desires.

Also, we’re being pushed to remember who we are, and purge everything that’s not aligned with our movement forward.

And we haven’t even started talking about the Lion’s Gate, which opened on July 26th, peaks on 8/8, and comes to a close on August 12th.

Y’all, these energies are potent!

If you’re feelin’ it, here’s your reminder to rest. Light codes, upgrades, downloads, and the like travel at the speed of light and come to us instantly. However, since our physical body vibrates at a much slower rate (as matter), it takes longer for these frequencies to anchor in and begin their work.

This is when we can start feeling out of sorts — tired, foggy, dense, irritable, and even experience flu-like symptoms (called ascension symptoms).

When this happens, it is imperative to rest.

This might seem difficult as many of us are affected in a way that makes it hard to actually sleep, so take a cue from the cats and nap whenever you can. Especially in the sunlight. A short 20 minute catnap while soaking up the sun’s rays can do wonders to help redistribute your energy as well as give you the burst you need to keep going.

Another thing to do is lighten your load a bit. You don’t have to do it all (plus your to-do list will never be finished, so stop worrying about it). It’s OK to take a day off, say no, or re-prioritize your week. Do the things that absolutely have to get done, then find things that bring you joy. It’s all about balance.

One of my personal favorites when the cosmic debauchery gets out of control is to journal about the experience. A lot can be revealed to you through reflection, free writing, and even automatic writing. Get curious about what’s changing or maybe even try a few of these prompts:

  • Who have I been the past 8 months and how do I feel about that person?

  • What do I want for myself moving forward, and what does it feel like when I am there?

  • What steps could possibly be available right now for me to take? (Remember, we can’t fully plan or control things, but usually with a little detective work we can uncover some action we can take on our own that will lead to more divine guidance)

  • Is there anything I am not willing to let go of because I am scared of the unknown?

  • What are unhealthy and unhelpful patterns in my life I have noticed?

  • What new patterns have I established to assist my growth?

  • Who or what in my life holds me back?

  • Am I willing to make the changes necessary to fulfill my highest potential? Why or why not?

Whatever you do to alleviate some of the heaviness brought about by massive transition, give yourself compassion and grace. Be thankful for how far you’ve come, and all that is yet to come into your life. Accept where you are today as a starting point for change.

Remember, everything changes, and we are here to enjoy this unknown adventure with every changing moment. Breathe into your body, and let that breath carry you with lightness throughout the day. 

The illusions are breaking apart and our truth is shining through. 

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy Alignment Specialist & Wordsmith. Find more at FeelYourLight.com/blog and https://katiecavenagh.medium.com/